Emergency contacts and procedures

Site specific emergency procedures induction

Please ensure that when you begin work in a new area, you undergo a local site induction as part of your general induction.

The local induction will show you the emergency exits, evacuation assembly points, first aid kits and providers, your local safety reps and any other local safety information you may need. 

It’s strongly recommended that you keep a copy of the relevant emergency contact details at your desk or bench where they’ll be readily available. We also strongly recommend that you download the UQ SafeZone app if you work at the sites covered by the system, as this is likely to come in useful for getting assistance during an emergency.

Procedure for contaminated sharps injuries 

Working with sharps holds inherent risks, including infection from contaminated sharps. In the event of an injury involving contaminated sharps, follow the Faculty procedure for the management of contaminated sharps injuries to ensure the injury is treated correctly and appropriate follow up assessments and notifications are made. When planning your work with sharps, this document should also be reviewed and utilised in the preparation of the task risk assessments.

Safe disposal of discarded needles and syringes

Occasionally you may come across discarded needles or sharps (N&S) in or near your workplace – these should be regarded as contaminated, and presenting a potential infection risk. While the risk of contracting an infection from discarded N&S is low, there are some basic steps to follow to help ensure that the risk of infection when collecting and disposing of these items is minimised. This guideline provides advice on how to safely collect and dispose discarded N&S.

Faculty of Medicine OHS Contacts

  • Dr Paul Lovelock, Faculty OHS Manager Ph 0414 239 831
  • Deon Knight, Safety Manager, Ph 0419 524 362
  • Robyn Oram, Safety Manager, Ph 3365 3221
  • Jenyl Brady, Safety Officer, Ph 3346 4945

Other contacts