Guest speaker Professor Andrew Barbour from UQDI.

Andrew will be presenting A picture is worth 1000 genes: novel radiomics biomarkers of the tumour micro environment. 

Wednesday 26 May, 9.30-10.30am, TRI Auditorium and via Zoom:

Andrew BarbourAndrew Barbour’s Bio: Professor Barbour is a translational researcher at UQDI. He is the head of Surgical Oncology Lab at the School of Medicine. His research has focused on using genomic, epigenomic, mRNA expression and next generation sequencing data to classify oesophageal adenocarcinoma (OAC), pancreatic cancer and melanoma and to identify biomarkers of outcome. His lab team was the first to identify genomic catastrophes as potential drivers for oesophageal adenocarcinoma. In addition, his lab is seeking to identify genetic markers in melanoma that will identify patients at high risk for recurrence following surgery and to identify patients who will benefit from the current exciting advances in treatment for advanced melanoma. His lab is currently undertaking studies using next generation sequencing of tumour and circulating tumour DNA. Professor Barbour is the Chief Investigator for the Cancer Evolution Biobank based at the Translational Research Institute. This biobank contains tumour tissue and blood from patients with melanoma, oesophageal or gastric cancer linked to clinical outcomes and supports several research projects.


TRI Auditorium and via Zoom: