A great celebration for a greater cause

22 Jul 2015

If you go down to the woods today...

Okay. If you go down to Brisbane City Hall on Sunday, you’ll come across teddy bear doctors in the guise of medical maestros making sweet music to celebrate the 10th year of the University of Queensland Medical Society’s charity arm, the Ashintosh Foundation.

One of the main recipients of the foundation’s fund-raising efforts is the UQMS’ Teddy Bear Hospital program, where UQ medical students visit Queensland primary schools and talk to students about healthy eating, exercise, sun safety and oral hygiene.

Foundation managing director and fourth-year UQ medical student William Nicol said a decade of charity work was cause for a serious celebration.

“This year we’re hosting a very special concert at the Brisbane City Hall auditorium, showcasing the talent of the Queensland Medical Orchestra and Choir,” he said.

“Orchestra members will be rolling up the sleeves of their white coats to perform a repertoire that ranges from symphonic blockbusters to Broadway show tunes and will please all musical tastes while raising money for two worthwhile charities.”

Proceeds from the concert will help with the upgrade and improvement of the Teddy Bear Hospital program and will also go to the Wesley Research Institute to support research to improve the diagnosis and treatment of some of Australia’s most common cancers.


Orchestra members Mr Nicol said the concert would mark a significant milestone in the history of the foundation.

“Not many student societies in Australia, or indeed the world, have their own charity,” he said.

“The work of the Ashintosh Foundation for the past 10 years, in running the Teddy Bear Hospital program and contributing more than $50,000 to other charities, is something to be acknowledged.

“To do this in concert with the Queensland Medical Orchestra, an integral part of the foundation, is very fitting.”

The concert will be held at 2pm on Sunday 26 July, at Brisbane City Hall. Tickets and more information about the Ashintosh Foundation are available here.

Media: Phone 0423 675 300 or email community@uqms.org
