Presented by UQ's Queensland Digital Health Centre and Metro North Health's Queensland Digital Academy.

Analysing neuroimaging data demands a wide array of software tools. However, setting up and managing these tools can be tough, leading to environments that can't be reliably duplicated. This not just impacts productivity, but also makes collaborations across institutions very difficult.

To tackle this, we created Neurodesk. Neurodesk leverages software container technology to enable the processing and analysing of neuroimaging data, making reproducible science achievable for everyone. Neurodesk is allows scientists to use software across various computing environments. Whether it's sensitive data environments like KeyPoint or SeRP, cloud platforms such as AWS or GKE, personal computers on Windows, MacOS, or Linux, or even on a high-performance computing cluster, Neurodesk ensures smooth transitions and interoperability between any computing platform.

Speaker: Dr Steffen Bollmann

About Queensland Digital Health Education Series

UQ's Queensland Digital Health Centre and Metro North's Queensland Digital Academy co-present the Queensland Digital Health Education series to bring clinicians, academics and researchers together to hear up-and-coming innovations and applications of informatics in healthcare.

The sessions inform and update participants on the latest developments in research and how health informatics is translating to inform and directly impact clinical care and patient outcomes.