New technologies have the potential to radically transform the way people interact with the healthcare system. Traditionally, patients visited health professionals in the hospital or their consulting rooms, with little communication outside of those settings. For many, using technologies in clinical practice was considered substandard or unsafe care. 

Our three expert speakers will reflect on emerging changes to the health system that are a direct consequence of new technologies such as electronic medical records, telehealth and artificial intelligence. You might not realise many of these technologies are already in place in other parts of the world, while some are in advanced stages of development in Australia. Learn how these technologies will continue to revolutionise the delivery of healthcare and have practical implications for both clinicians and patients in a future that may be closer than you think. 

Cost: Tickets $20 per person (includes drinks and canapés served pre and post lecture)

Our expert panel

Dr Claire Sullivan

Associate Professor Clair Sullivan
Chief Digital Health Officer, Metro North Hospital and Health Service

Associate Professor Sullivan graduated with Honours in Medicine from The University of Queensland and a Research Doctorate in Medicine from the University of Leeds. She is a fellow of both the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and the Australian College of Health Informatics. She has been appointed Associate Professor of Medicine in Clinical Informatics at the University of Queensland and is Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology.  She is widely published in clinical informatics and serves on several national advisory boards for digital health. Clair is currently the Chief Digital Health Officer for Metro North Hospital and Health Service.

Professor Enrico Coiera

Professor Enrico Coiera
Director of the Centre for Health Informatics, Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University

Trained in medicine with a computer science PhD in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Professor Coiera is Foundation Professor in Medical Informatics at Macquarie University and Director of the Centre for Health Informatics, a group he co-founded in 2000. With a research background in industry and academia, he has a strong international research reputation for his work on decision support and communication processes in biomedicine.


Professor Len Gray

Professor Len Gray
Director of the Centre for Health Services Research, The University of Queensland

Prior to assuming this role, Professor Gray directed the Centre for Online Health and the Centre for Research in Geriatric Medicine, both of which have been incorporated into  the new CHSR. He occupies the Masonic Chair in Geriatric Medicine, a position to which he was appointed when he joined the University in 2002. He is trained in health   management and as a specialist in geriatric medicine. His career has encompassed clinical practice, senior health administration roles, and the past 15 years in an academic role at UQ. Research interests include health systems organisation, assessment and quality systems, aged care in general and telehealth. He is the principle investigator on the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Telehealth.

About Health Matters Lecture Series

Launched in 2017, Health Matters is a series of dynamic public lectures featuring renowned researchers and clinicians. Attendees enjoy hearing directly from subject matter experts in an environment that encourages discussion about matters that impact the health of you and your loved ones.

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The Long Room
Customs House, 399 Queen Street, Brisbane

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