MD Design

Welcome to the MD Design webpage. 

Here you will find everything you need to know about the design process for our new UQ Doctor of Medicine (MD) program, including the rationale for change, the curriculum development process, updates on activity, responses to frequently asked questions, and the various elements of the design itself.

The plans for Year 1 of the new MD program are almost complete as we prepare to welcome the first cohort of students in January 2023.

The Year 1 syllabus has been finalised, with considerable input from a wide range of key stakeholders, and we will continue to develop specific, detailed content throughout the remainder of the year. To support this work, an MD Design Year 1 Implementation Planning Group has been established to focus on all implementation aspects, including student and academic administration, timetabling, placements, and infrastructure.

Planning for the Year 2 course is also well underway, and a draft syllabus will be complete by late 2022. A process of consultation will commence in early 2023 to ensure appropriate input from stakeholders regarding both the syllabus and the associated operational considerations.  

To support the roll-out of the new MD program, the Project Team are coordinating a range of engagement activities including workshops and updates for professional staff, a series of visits to clinical units and hospital and health services, as well as various website updates. In addition, monthly MD Design Operations Update meetings have been established to bring together clinical unit heads and team leaders from the three clinical schools.

We look forward to continuing to work with our colleagues on this exciting project during the balance of 2022 and into 2023.

If you would like to get involved or have any other questions or feedback, please email us at

With best wishes,


Professor Stuart Carney
Dean, The University of Queensland Medical School

More about the MD Design Project

The MD curriculum is undergoing a major transformation to better prepare UQ medical graduates for modern clinical practice in Australia, the United States and elsewhere.

The needs of the populations that our future graduates will serve are changing. Our communities are ageing, and a greater proportion are now living with chronic conditions and co-morbidities. There are significant and growing health inequalities across our communities. These are acutely felt by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and those living in regional and remote Australia.

Current models of care need to evolve and shift towards a greater focus on prevention, team-based care, digital healthcare, and community-based practice. Increasing use of technology in both health and education requires doctors of the future to employ a new range of skills.

The MD Design Project is creating a program that is innovative and will position UQ as a global leader in medical education. Our plan is to have a learner centred, simplified and cohesive program organisation with a much more integrated approach to learning. There will be earlier meaningful clinical experience, more learner choice and a stronger emphasis on the effective transition to internship for our graduates.

The latest on MD Design UQ MD program revisioned - MD Design Who's who in MD Design History of MD Design Frequently asked questions Resources


  • Project Sponsor: Professor Stuart Carney, Dean, The University of Queensland Medical School
  • Academic Lead for MD Design: Director, Academy for Medical Education

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