Q. Do I have to pay fees?
A. You do not have to pay fees.
Q. Do I have to fulfil the prerequisites?
A. If you are interested in enrolling in a course that lists prerequisites then you will need to be able to fulfil those requirements before enrolling. If you have specific questions about prerequisites please contact the course coordinator directly.
Q. Are courses offered in other semesters?
A. Each semester offers a different range of courses. If you are interested in a specific course then you will need to confirm which semester it is available
Q. Can courses be taken remotely?
A. The Course Coordinator will be able to answer this question if you contact them directly. The coordinator and their email address is listed against each course.
Q. At what stage of my candidature should I do one of these courses?
A. You should plan this with your supervisor, so that you gain skills at the best time as you approach your own data analysis.
Q. Am I eligible if I have not reached confirmation yet?
A. Yes, you are eligible even if you have not reached confirmation yet.
Q. I have just done my Thesis review can I still enrol?
A. No. It will be too late for this to help you with your candidature.
Q. Do I have to enrol or can I just sit in?
A. The Faculty of Medicine expects students to enrol and complete all assessments.
Q. Do I have to undertake the assessment or can I audit the class?
A. Assessment is essential to gaining the knowledge and practical skills offered in each course so students will be expected to undertake assessments. Auditing might be considered in some cases, as a refresher of previous study at an equivalent level. Auditing does not fall under this Faculty support scheme, and should be discussed with the course coordinator and your supervisor.