Criminal History Check
Certain placement providers, notably Queensland Health and aged care facilities, stipulate that students must acquire a Criminal History Check and maintain it throughout the entire duration of their clinical placements. This requirement applies to all students, irrespective of their cohort (domestic or international) and it is necessary for all students to provide an Australian National Police Certificate (NPC).
An Australian National Police Certificate (NPC) provides a student with ‘clearance’ or, in certain cases, a notification of a student’s ‘disclosable history’. This certificate discloses whether a person has been convicted of an offence; charged with an offense and found guilty but discharged without conviction; or is the subject of any criminal charges still pending before a court.
It is strongly recommended that students initiate the application for a criminal history check promptly, as processing of such checks may take up to 3 months. The initial check must not be older than three (3) months at the time of submission. Additionally, all students will be required to maintain a National Police Certificate that is current for the entirety of their clinical placements and be no older than three (3) years at the end of their final placement.
To comply with these requirements, your Criminal History Check/s should be submitted to the Placements system and uploaded to the corresponding attribute. For students who completed their undergraduate degree at UQ, it is essential to ensure that the documents are uploaded to the relevant attribute in the MED - WIL Requirements collection, as other attribute collections may still be visible on your profile.