Staff Hub


PeopleSense is UQ's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider. The EAP allows UQ staff to access free confidential counselling and support on personal and work-related matters. You can book your appointment by calling 1300 307 912.

Health and safety courses
Health, safety and wellness courses are available on Workday. These courses are designed to help staff with managing the risks and understanding the responsibilities of working in the UQ environment. The following facilitator-led training is scheduled for Q3. Register for these courses in Workday:

  • Provide First Aid
  • Provide CPR
  • Fire Extinguisher training
  • Emergency procedures for hazardous materials 
  • Dangerous Goods Transport 
  • Radiation safety for radioactive substances
  • Managing OHS in UQ laboratories (Herston)
  • Mental health first aid refresher 
  • UQSafe system training 
  • NEW Trauma informed practice 

Trauma informed practice workshop
Applying trauma informed principles when managing incident response, complaints or other processes is highlighted in the “Managing the Psychosocial Hazards at Work” code of practice. This course this is a one-hour online session with four iterations. Register here.

Coffee Brigade winter collection
We are collecting again for The Coffee Brigade who support people in need across Brisbane. Donations of noodles, cup-of-soups, tins of tuna, coffee sachets, fruit cups, tissues, toothpaste, new toothbrushes, moisturiser, razors etc will be gratefully received. See the full list of goods on the collection bins in the Mayne Foyer, SPH reception, TRI level 7 Staff Tea room, SBMS – SBMS Stores, Tearoom Level 4 Macgregor and Otto Hirschfeld. We will collect all donations this week, so there is still time to donate. 

People and Culture

20th anniversary of Master of Mental Health – Art Therapy
This month we celebrated the 20th anniversary of UQ’s Master of Mental Health – Art Therapy at The Mayne Events Space. Graduates, past and current staff, industry partners along with Medical School staff members were in attendance. If you missed it, you can view the exhibition online.


Intro to consumer and community involvement in health research
If you're passionate about health research and keen to learn how to make a real impact through involving consumers, attend this webinar. This session will be hosted by Amanda Newbery, the CEO of award-winning engagement and communication firm Articulous and a registered IAP2 trainer. Monday 12 August 12-2pm on Zoom. Please email with any enquiries.

National Human Research Ethics Committees Conference (HREC)
Join the 5th National HREC Conference, showcasing ethics expertise from across Australia. This conference provides an online forum for sharing and discussing knowledge of and insights into current human research ethics related topics in the National Statement. It will be held by Health Translation Queensland over Zoom between Wednesday 27 November - Friday 29 November. Register here.

Online learning event: behind the evidence - a critical analysis of our research
Dr Emily Gordon and Dr David Ward will present their recently published BMJ article on delirium and incident dementia, with a focus on sharing the long journey from study conceptualisation to manuscript publication (and beyond)! Join on Zoom from 3pm on Wednesday 21 August. Details and RSVP here.

UQ All Staff Expo  
Looking to save on holidays or car hire? Need advice on salary sacrificing? Interested in affordable fitness options? Join us at the 2024 All Staff Expo on Tuesday 6 August to explore the wide range of benefits and services on offer to UQ staff. The event will run from 10am - 1pm at the UQ Centre at St Lucia. Register and scan the QR code on the day to go into the draw to win 1 of 4 $50 Patina vouchers. Register for the 2024 All Staff Expo.  

No right answer? Navigating ethical challenges in medical research
Often in research, we are confronted by ethical dilemmas where conflicting values need to be balanced – can the price of research be justified by its potential benefits? Join Professor Anne Kelso AO as keynote speaker at the 2024 Phil Walker memorial ethics lecture as she discusses her personal experience navigating ethical challenges as a researcher and also as CEO of the National Health and Medical Research Council. Wednesday 7 August at 5pm. Register here.

View archived announcements

Welcome Professor Simon Smith and team
Supported by HERA initiative, CHRC welcomes
Professor Simon Smith and Community Sleep Health group, with research focusing on sleep in children and families, mental health and wellbeing of young people, and the role of sleep across the life course. As the UQ node for two ARC Centres of Excellence (Digital Child; Life Course Centre), the team has expertise in health program evaluation.  

View archived announcements from CHRC




CHSR and SPH researchers play integral role in Queensland’s first drug checking service
Professor Jason Ferris and Dr. Cheneal Puljević have been volunteering with The Loop Australia (TLA), a not-for-profit organisation advocating for drug checking services, since 2019. TLA recently launched
CheQpoint, Queensland's first drug checking services, in Bowen Hills and Burleigh Heads. This harm reduction service allows people who use drugs to make an informed decision about their drug use.

From the Director’s Desk
Thanks once again to CHSR’s Herston team for your cooperation and efficiency evacuating the UQ Health Sciences Building recently. This was a timely reminder for all of us to review our relevant evacuation procedures, and to keep up to date with
mandatory training when prompted. 

Congratulations once again to Hannah O’Connor for representing CHSR at UQ FOM’s Three Minute Thesis finals in the past fortnight. This event is always a celebration of the holistic learning inherent PhD candidacy at UQ, and a good reminder for all of us to take advantage of training and development opportunities that complement our research.

Best wishes, Monika 

Upcoming CHSR Seminars

July seminar 
Wednesday 31 July

11:30-12:30pm (please note earlier time!)

Carbon Footprint in HealthCare
Dr Kim-Huong Nguyen
Click here to join the meeting
Attendance is strongly encouraged

August Seminar
Wednesday 21 August


Click here to join the meeting

Other event/opportunity diary dates
Next CHSR Shared Lunch at PAH
Thursday 15 August


Ground Floor Kitchen, Building 33

Bring a plate!

Next AFN Frailty Nexus Seminar
Wednesday 21 August


Behind the evidence: A critical analysis of our research

Dr Emily Gordon & Dr David Ward

Register here

Next CHSR Shared Lunch at Herston
Thursday 22 August


Level 5 Kitchen, Health Sciences Building

Bring a plate!

Next QDHeC Digital Health Grand Rounds
Tuesday 27 August


More details to come

Next All CHSR Forum
Thursday 5 September


Guest speaker:
Associate Professor Kirsty Short

Click here to join the meeting

Successes and Failures of Telehealth Conference

13-15 November

Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre

Registrations remain open

Health Services Research Conference
4-6 December

Royal International Convention Centre

Invited speakers announced

Research Support Team updates 

Please notify the CHSR Research Support Team via the online survey or email Casey and Lauren if you are applying for grants (either as CIA or collaborator). For post-award support, please contact James Reid and Trish Murray.

Funding opportunities

National Stroke Foundation Seed Grants – close 1 August

NHMRC Partnerships (PCR2) - close 7 August

MRFF Maternal Health and Healthy Lifestyles – close 7 August

MRFF Mental Health Research – close 7 August

MRFF Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care – close 7 August

MRFF Multidisciplinary models of Primary Care (Stream 4) - close 7 August  

NHMRC Investigator Grants – close 15 August 

EMF Queensland Research Program (R42) – close 19 August

NHMRC Targeted Research Call – Health Services Research – close 28 August

NHMRC Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies – close 28 August 

MRFF Research Data Infrastructure – close 28 October

NHMRC Partnerships (PCR3) - close 27 November

MRFF International Clinical Trials (R2) – close 4 December

MRFF Frontier Health and Medical Research – EOIs close 31 March 2025

HTQ Consumer engagement microgrants – ongoing

Award Opportunities
Research Australia Awards
– close 29 July

MRFF-NHMRC Joint Committees – nominations close 31 July

Training opportunities
UQ Library
online and in-person training available here.

QCIF online biostatistics and bioinformatics training available here.

Research Impact Academy workshop for the NHMRC Investigator Grant Scheme. Recording available here (password RIA2024). Workshop Resources available here.

No right answer? Navigating ethical challenges in medical research” with Professor Anne Kelso AO as she talks about her personal experience navigating ethical challenges as a researcher and at the National Health and Medical Research Council. 2024 Phil Walker Memorial Ethics Lecture, Wednesday 7 August 5-7:45pm at the ES Meyers Lecture Theatre, Herston Campus. RSVP by Thursday 1 August.


Balasooriya, N. N., Bandara, J. S., & Rohde, N. (2024). Multigenerational inequalities of opportunity in health outcomes. International journal for equity in health, 23(1), 140.

Catapan, S. C., Melo, E. A., Silva, A. B., Albuquerque, M. V., & Calvo, M. C. M. (2024). Telecare in the Brazilian Unified Health System: where we are and where we are heading. Teleassistência no Sistema Único de Saúde brasileiro: onde estamos e para onde vamos?. Ciencia & saude coletiva, 29(7), e03302024.

Faris, M. M., Dhillon, H. M., Campbell, R., Halkett, G. K. B., Miller, A., Chan, R. J., Haydon, H. M., Sansom-Daly, U. M., Koh, E. S., Ownsworth, T., Nowak, A. K., Kelly, B., Leonard, R., Pike, K. E., Legge, D. M., Pinkham, M. B., Agar, M. R., BRAINS Program Group , & Shaw, J. (2024). Unmet needs in people with high-grade glioma: defining criteria for stepped care intervention. JNCI cancer spectrum, 8(4), pkae034.

Mackay, S., Botero, L., Bell, J., & Young, A. (2024). Exploring adult inpatients' perceptions, understanding and preferences regarding the term 'malnutrition': A qualitative study. Journal of clinical nursing, 33(8), 3236–3246.

Muschialli, L., Yang, J. C., Engstrom, T., Puljevic, C., Beltazar, E., Beltazar, E., Siddique, O., Ferris, J., & Connolly, D. J. (2024). Sexualized drug use and chemsex: A bibliometric and content analysis of published literature. Journal of psychoactive drugs, 1–12. Advance online publication.


View archived announcements from CHSR

Medical School community achievements

Rural and Remote Medicine Gala

Professor Bruce Chater, Head of the Mayne Academy of Rural and Remote Medicine (RRM), recently hosted a gala evening in Brisbane to recognise the contributions of RRM academic and professional staff as well as welcome new members of the team. Professor Stuart Carney, Dean, Medical School also attended and, together with Bruce, shared the future vision for RRM with key stakeholders from the Academy for Medical Education, Health Workforce QLD, RDAQ, ACCRM and the QLD Rural Network.

People and culture

Staff appointments
We are pleased to introduce new staff within the Medical School. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to:

Greater Brisbane Clinical School
A/Prof Claire Ellender, Head of PA-Southside Clinical Unit and South Learning Community

A/Prof Jane Nikles, StudyU Research Manager, General Practice Clinical Unit

Dr Matt Burrage, Senior Research Fellow, PA-Southside Clinical Unit

Dr Connor O’Leary, Deputy Head of Learning Community Year 2, West Learning Community

Rural Clinical School
Mrs Amy Edwards, Administration Assistant, Toowoomba 

Dr Kellie West, Lecturer in Clinical Education, Rockhampton

A/Prof Sneha Kirubakaran, Deputy Head of Learning Community Year 2, Central Queensland Community

Ochsner Clinical School
Dr Jessica Grote,
Clerkship Director for OBGYN, Ochsner Clinical School

Dr David Kitchell, Clerkship Director for Hospital Medicine, Ochsner Clinical School


Congratulations to Medical School Emerging Clinical Research Leaders
Please join us in celebrating the success of colleagues Dr Anna Francis of Children's Health Queensland Clinical Unit and Dr Shanal Kumar of the Northside Clinical Unit on their recent success in securing support from QH for research linked to their clinical practice through the Queensland Health Clinical Research Fellowships Scheme (Round 5). Round 5 of Clinical Research Fellowships, which closed on 26 November 2023, attracted 86 applications, with $2.85 million awarded to 23 Fellows across Queensland in April 2024.

Details on the Queensland Health Clinical Research Fellowships program can be found here. Round 6 of Queensland Health Clinical Research Fellowships will open in August 2024. Details coming soon!  If you are interested in applying in Round 6, contact Peppermint, your RDO, at

Faculty Research Alert
The Faculty Research Alert is circulated weekly via email and includes information about UQ internal schemes, external funding opportunities and awards.  If you would like to receive the Alert, please email the 
Faculty of Medicine Research team.  Detailed information on research funding opportunities and awards can be viewed on the Faculty of Medicine intranet.  For previously advertised grant and award opportunities and events, please refer to the Archive Faculty Research Alert webpage. 

Medical School Research Town Hall Meetings
The next Medical School Research Town Hall Meetings will be held on
Wednesday 28 August  4pm-5pm via MS Teams. An agenda will be circulated prior to the meeting. Slides from the first Medical School Research Town Hall Meeting held on 3 June 2024 with useful links can be downloaded here.

Research drop-in sessions
The Medical School Research Support Team will begin trialing regular weekly “drop-in” sessions.

These will be on Wednesdays, 4pm–5pm via MS Teams. The first drop-in session will take place on Wednesday 24 July, 4pm. Recurring meeting link: Join the meeting now

Ethics and Governance training
Research Ethics and Integrity Training sessions are available for UQ Staff and HDR candidates. Please see the schedule below:

Drop-in sessions for questions on human ethincs applications
Wednesday 4 September - 11:30am-12:30pm

Tuesday 5 November 2024 - 10am-11am

Register for the drop-in sessions for questions on ethics applications

Conducting Ethical Research with Humans at UQ:
Tuesday 16 July 2024 - 10:00am-12:00pm

Thursday 7 November 2024 11:00am-1:00pm

Staff can register for these sessions in 

Ethical research & teaching with animals at UQ:
Wednesday 17 July 2024 - 10:00-11:00am

Wednesday 6 November 2024 - 1:00-2:00pm

Register in 
Workday for any of these sessions.

Research ethics: Human (HDR Students):
Tuesday 20 August 2024 - 10am-11:30am

Tuesday 19 November 2024 - 10am-11:30am

HDR candidates can attend any of the Human Ethics training sessions organized by the 
Graduate School.

Research ethics: Animal (HDR students):
Wednesday 21 August 2024 - 10:am-11:00am

Wednesday 20 November 2024 - 12pm-13:00pm

Register for these sessions on the 
Graduate School website.

Please direct enquiries to:


RRM team heads to the city
The RRM team successfully took the ‘country to the city’ for the MD program Introductory Week. More than 15 RRM academics and preceptors delivered clinical skills and cultural immersion to 40 Years 3 and 4 medical students in Brisbane. Traditionally, metropolitan students travel to rural communities, however, the process was flipped to accommodate doctors attending the annual RDAQ conference later that week. Read more

MD Design Update 
In Year 3, a series of meetings to finalise the immersion learning outcomes, assessment and integrated tutorial series have progressed with each of the discipline leads. The design of Scholarly Project is underway, with the expectation that students will select their project areas before the end of Year 2. The guidelines for transferring between
clinical schools, and learning communities in the transition from Year 2 to Year 3 have been published on the Medical School website, along with the guidelines for allocation to clinical immersions placements and pathway options.

Year 4 is in early development with the shape of the year being finalised.  Proposals for the PRINT term are in discussion. The immersion models and curriculum documents are progressing, with the first drafts expected at the end of August 2024.

The Year 1 and Year 2 course teams are developing focus area outlines that map the staged learning outcomes to key concepts and learning activities. Year 1 and 2 assessments have progressed smoothly, and the mid-year Progress Review Panel meetings are scheduled for early July.

Year 2 personalised learning streams began in week 18, with 6 streams offered in 2024. 

At a program level, participation guidelines for 2025 have been finalised, with a trial for recording participation in different learning communities underway. Work is also progressing to finalise guidelines for awards, prizes and commendations for the new UQMD program. 


Nomenclature Guidelines
The Medical School approved nomenclature can be found on the
intranet. Please refer to the guidelines when creating anything that requires University branding, including email signatures, to ensure consistency across the Medical School. Where relevant, please include your Learning Community before Organisational Unit.

Please note that some email signatures still contain former names such as the School of Clinical Medicine instead of the Greater Brisbane Clinical School. Please ensure these are updated to reflect the nomenclature guidelines.

Support the Faculty’s PhD students
The Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition celebrates the exciting research conducted by Doctor of Philosophy students. Developed by The University of Queensland, 3MT cultivates students’ academic, presentation, and research communication skills. This year will be the 17th year of 3MT competitions at The University of Queensland. Important dates below: 

  • Faculty 3MT Final: Monday 22 July, 2pm-4:00pm 0883-4401- Oral Health Centre, Learning Theatre OR
  • 2024 UQ 3MT Wildcard Competition: Wednesday 25 September, 2:00pmTerrace Room, L6, Sir Llew Edwards Building (14) St Lucia 
  • 2024 UQ 3MT Final: Wednesday 2 October, 5:30pmGHD Auditorium, Advanced Engineering Building (49-200), St Lucia

General Practice Clinical Unit newsletter
The General Practice Clinical Unit distributes a quarterly
newsletter. Click on the Newsletters tab for the latest information regarding the Mayne Academy of General Practice and General Practice Clinical Unit, teaching tips, articles and more.

UQ Symphony Orchestra Auditions
Auditions are open for the UQ Symphony Orchestra (UQSO) for a spectacular performance of Mozart's Requiem and Prokofiev's Piano Concerto No. 3 at QPAC in September 2024. If you have achieved an equivalent level of AMEB grade 8 or higher, we encourage you to

Cooperative Research Centre Workshop
Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs) are large-scale, industry-based research centres that aim to solve industry-identified problems. On Thursday 1 August, UQ researchers and professional staff are invited to join UQ Finance: How to navigate the CRC finance tools and approvals. This one-hour workshop will give a detailed approach for putting together a Stage 1 CRC budget and how to tailor your pitch to secure UQ strategic funding. Speakers include Helen Connick, Director, Office of DVCRI and Oliver Firth, Business Development Manager, QAAFI (Zero Net Emissions CRC).

This workshop is the second in a series of three planned for 2024 designed to give researchers the tools they need to develop, engage, and champion a CRC from conception to award and beyond. 

How to navigate the CRC finance tools and approvals
Date: 11am Thursday 1 August

Duration: 1 hour, followed by networking lunch

Location: Room 273, Global Change Institute (building 20), UQ St Lucia

Register by 19 July.


LeadHers Staff Day
The UQ Ventures LeadHers Staff Day seeks to support emerging women and gender diverse leaders in the university to reach their potential. It will be held on Friday 26 July. During the half-day program, you will network and learn from those leading in their fields and develop the skills needed to take your first steps in your entrepreneurial and leadership journey. You'll gain access to a community of UQ staff that lift each other beyond the program and support each other through peer mentoring. Open to all UQ staff.
Register today.


View archived announcements from the Medical School



RCS Senior Manager, Update

As we stand at the midpoint of 2024, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for your unwavering commitment to advancing the Medical Pathways in our regions and, most importantly, for supporting our remarkable medical students.

A special shout-out goes to the Mayne Academy of Rural and Remote Medicine (RRM) who have held the UQ flag (or flyswat) aloft bringing the country to the city with Semester 2 introductory week teaching and the week culminated with recent platinum sponsorship of the RDAQ conference. The collaborative session on culturally sensitive supervision emphasized the importance of transparent and respectful relationships that bridge the power imbalance. Culturally responsive supervision fosters an environment where students can thrive, learn, and grow.

Our students are the future of regional healthcare. They are not only acquiring knowledge but also developing the skills and compassion needed to serve our communities. As we move into the second half of the year, let us continue to empower these future leaders with unwavering optimism and resilience.

And as we celebrate NAIDOC Week, let’s take this opportunity to honour and acknowledge the rich history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within our communities.

Kind regards,

Team Successes and achievements

  • The Regional Medical Pathway Partnership has been renewed. The medical education and training pathway pioneered by The University of Queensland, CQUniversity, and the Central Queensland and Wide Bay Hospital and Health Services will continue thanks to the signing of a new five year Memorandum of Understanding between partners.
  • The RRM team successfully took the ‘country to the city’ for Intro WeekOver 15 RRM academics and preceptors delivered clinical skills and cultural immersion to 40 Year 3-4 Medical students in Brisbane.  Traditionally, metropolitan students travel to rural communities, but the process was flipped to accommodate the doctors attending the annual RDAQ conference later that week.  
  • Year 2 RMP students in Wide Bay are continuing the vacseen project and working with a regional GP to provide health checks for homeless members of the Bundaberg community


Staff movements

  • We say goodbye to Janelle McGrail, Research Coordinator after six years with us in Rockhampton.
  • Tara Wolfe, Student Coordination Officer at our Hervey Bay Regional Clinical Unit has returned from parental leave working 0.5 until the end of the year
  • We welcome Amy Edwards, new administrative assistant at our Toowoomba Regional Clinical Unit
  • Congratulations to Ass/Prof Sneha Kirubakaran for the Deputy Head Year 1 & 2: Central Queensland role
  • We farewell and thank Dr Sri Rajaparti, Senior Lecturer & PSS in General Practice  - Rockhampton
  • We welcome Dr Kellie West, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Education (RRCU)
  • We welcome Dr Chong En Chu Senior Lecturer in Clinical Education (TRCU)
  • We farewell and thank Dr Faith Young, Research Officer
  • We farewell and thank Dr Rebecca Lyon, Head, Regional training Hub SQ

Event recap for June/July 

  • Staff attended FRAME in Canberra in June – insightful conversations were had with key theme of growing Rural and Regional GP Workforce through Medical Training.  This meeting also presented an opportunity to learn from other Australian medical schools who are implementing end-to-end medical pathways in the regional and rural communities.
  • The UQ VC Regional Road Roadshow was in Bundaberg on 13 June, providing an opportunity for UQ Staff, Students and Alumni to visit Bundaberg Brewed Drinks and showcase their new facilities and highlight to the community UQ’s ongoing support to the Bundaberg Community.
  • Hervey Bay Regional Clinical Unit celebrated their 10 Years anniversary being in the RCU building on Tuesday, 2 July

Upcoming events – July/August

  • Toowoomba Career Expo Tuesday 9 July
  • Rockhampton RCU will have a stall at the Rockhampton NAIDOC Expo on Thursday 12 July.  Teddy Bear Hospital will be run and several activities for students during the week are planned.
  • TSXPO sessions across Saturday Sunday 13-14 July
  • The Toowoomba ‘Battle of the Specialties’ will take place on Tuesday 6 August
  • Bundaberg Regional Clinical Unit second session of Silver Q will be on Tuesday 16 July at CQU.
  • Shalom Careers Day – Friday 19 July
  • Trivia Night (RTH Wide Bay) – Tuesday 23 July 2024
  • Gladstone Dorrie Day – Thursday 1 August
  • Open Day – Sunday 4 August
  • Rural Immersion Saturday – Wednesday (10-14 August). Big thank you to all staff involved
  • Bundaberg Dorrie Day – Thursday 29 August 2024
  • Gladstone Regional Medical Pathway Showcase – Friday Saturday 30-31 August

RRM Update

  1. Professor Bruce Chater, the Head of the Mayne Academy of Rural and Remote Medicine recently hosted a gala evening in Brisbane.  Outgoing RRM academics were acknowledged, and new academics welcomed.  It also provided an opportunity for Stuart Carney, Dean, Medical School and Bruce to share the future vision for RRM to key stakeholders from AME, Health Workforce QLD, RDAQ, ACCRM and QLD Rural Network.

  1. RRM team members and academics attended the RDAQ Conference in Brisbane in June.  As UQ was a platinum sponsor for 2024, staff had key roles at the conference.  Professor Chater provided a presentation at the opening of the conference, presented an award at the gala dinner, and spoke at the Rural GP peer network session.  Dr Robyn Cooke facilitated the university-led session with representatives from UQ, JCU and Griffith. The session covered cultural awareness and safety and was aimed at supervisors to think about their own bias when supporting students or staff within health facilities.  UQ also hosted the Recovery Breakfast for RDAQ attendees.

Recently, the RRM team attended the St Lucia campus to meet with approximately 60 year 1 medical students, regarding the upcoming Community Immersion in August.  Katherine Munyard’s presentation not only provided important information and insight about what students can expect when they attend their rural sites, but also delivered fun facts about each site, sure to remain in the memory of the students attending that location.


The registrations have opened for the DDHIRC Research Skills workshops for the rest of this year.


Media report for June/July

Facebook stats for last 28 days

Post reach – 5,003

Post Engagement 2,480

New Likes – 4

New Page Followers – 17

Reactions – 289
Shares -9

14 published posts

Highest reaching post for June/July :RDAQ Platinum Sponsors

Please keep the Marketing Team in mind for current student stories and remember to keep the engagement spreadsheet updated with local events. Thanks for your support.


View archived RCS announcements

Date Savers
4 Aug              UQ Open Day at St Lucia, 9am – 3pm

27 Aug           SBMS All Staff Meeting, 12-1:30pm, Zoom (details to come)

11-12 Sep     Honours Proposal Presentations (BIOM6192), location TBC

18 Sep            Academic Staff Meeting, 2-4pm, venue TBC

29/30 Oct     Honours Research Outcome Seminars, 9am-5pm, various locations

2 Dec              SBMS All Staff Meeting, 12-1:30pm, Zoom (details to come)

2024 Queensland Immunology Networking Symposium (QINS24)
Registration is now open for the 2024 Queensland Immunology Networking Symposium being held at the TRI on 16-17 October. More details here. 

Coffee Brigade Winter Collection

A reminder that there are now only a few days to donate to The Coffee Brigade who support people in need across Brisbane.  Donations of noodles, Cup-of-Soups, tins of tuna, coffee sachets, fruit cups, tissues, toothpaste, toothbrushes, moisturiser, razors etc. will be gratefully received.  See the full list of goods on the collection bins in tearooms and SBMS Stores.  We will collect all donations this week.

New SBMS Publications
If you are preparing a manuscript and you would like SBMS readership before submission, members of the Research Committee are willing and able to assist. Please contact the chair,
Jana Vukovic.

If you have recently had a new publication accepted or published, please let us know.

Digital Learning Hub for academics and students
The Library’s Digital Learning Hub allows you to quickly find digital learning objects including online modules, guides, videos, and interactive content for use in UQ courses. Learning objects support student learning and help explain key concepts in engaging ways, developing students' information and digital skills.

The Library’s new tool for finding, sharing, and reusing learning objects is now available for all staff and students to use via the Library website. 

 We have linked the Digital Learning Hub from: 

Add learning objects to your courses  
When viewing an object, use the How to use this object instructions to add it to your Learn.UQ (Blackboard) course.  

Instructions will vary depending on the type of object and may be as simple as copying the object link for use in your course. 

Log in and stay up to date  
We will sometimes update objects to keep them current or add new information. You can opt to receive an email update when this happens to keep your course links fresh.

 Help us improve the Digital Learning Hub  
Use our 
feedback form to contact us about the Digital Learning hub and learning objects. You can: 

  • Send feedback and questions on the Digital Learning Hub and any of our digital learning objects.  
  • Suggest a UQ learning object for the Hub - we welcome your suggestions of 
    • new objects you’d like added  
    • UQ learning objects from your School that are broadly useful to students. 

Visit our Digital Learning Objects guide for instructions to include objects in your courses, ways to send us feedback, and further help.  

View archived announcements from SBMS



Head of School Update

Dear Colleagues

It is great to see students back on campus, a few looking lost at times. I hope the first week semester has gone smoothly for everyone.

Many of you will be aware that Louise Marquart-Wilson will soon be heading off on parental leave for a year. A huge congratulations you and your family Louise, on your forthcoming bundle of joy. Interviews were recently held to identify a suitable candidate for Louise’s teaching for the next semesters while she’s on leave. We will let you know more details when they come to hand.

On Monday last week (July 22) we attended the Faculty of Medicine final of the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition. We were so proud of our three fabulous HDR students who made the final: Sanam, Kelly and Frankie. You’re all stars for getting up there and promoting your research so well! Congratulations to Frankie who earned a wildcard entry to the next stage on September 25.

Finally, we’re pleased to see that UQ has appointed an Indigenous Researcher Development Coordinator, A/Prof Levon Blue. In this role, Levon is responsible for supporting the research development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander HDR candidates at UQ. Levon will also advocate for the needs of Indigenous HDR students across UQ.

All the best 
Sheleigh & Sarah 
Sheleigh Lawler                      Sarah Piper 
Acting Head of School         SPH School Manager  

Dates for diaries 

26 July - 11 Aug: Paris 2024 Olympics

4 August - National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day  

6 August - Vinyasa flow and stretch class – 1pm, MMB - Level 3, Room 315

12 August – HTQ event: Intro to Consumer and Community Involvement in Health Research

20 August - Slow deep stretch class - 1pm, MMB - Level 3, Room 315

A request from our cleaners
Staff and students are kindly requested not to use the bathrooms while they are being cleaned. Our cleaning staff tend to our bathrooms every day, and having people come into the toilets while cleaning is underway hampers their ability to do their job properly. There are bathrooms on other floors that can be used while cleaning is proceeding. Thanks for your understanding.


SPH Space update

We have now heard back from UQ’s Capital Management Group regarding our request to repurpose savings from the Edith Cavell building project. Unfortunately, it is UQ process that any surplus funds from projects are returned to the capital investment pool. We have, however, been invited to submit a masterplan for the Public Health building to the CMG for their August meeting. This is a positive outcome because CMG hasn’t been accepting submissions for many months. If you’d like to have input into the masterplan, please join the SPH Space working group – please contact Sarah Piper.

Last week to donate - Winter Charity Drive 2024
We would like to support the Brisbane Coffee Brigade to assist those in need this winter with a Food Drive until Tuesday 30 July.

Donation boxes are located in SPH Reception and Herston Mayne Building Reception. Donations of any of the following are gratefully accepted.

Coffee sachets/powdered lattes



Moisturiser/Body Lotion

Long life milk

Toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash

Tins/sachets tuna

Disposable razors

Muesli bars (please avoid nut bars)

Insect Repellent

Cans beans/spaghetti


Fruit cups

Roll on deodorant (no aerosol

Noodles cups

Shampoo & conditioner

Individual biscuit packets

Body wash & Soap

Please note toiletry donations MUST be travel sized


A good news story about one of our fantastic MIPH alumni, Helena Uhm (grad: 2014). Backed by UQ Ventures, Helena has founded a company to create toxin-free sustainable period solutions. Helena is motivated by the differences in period care products between Australia and South Korea (her home country) and wanting safer, sustainable options for her daughter here in Australia. It's exciting to see one of our graduates making an impact in the world, about to know her MPH empowered her to make this change.

HDR Update

HDR Projects

All academics who would like to list a new HDR project, please complete this form.

 Domestic scholarships

The domestic scholarship round for entry in RQ1 or RQ2 2025 has opened and will close Sunday 8 September. Please ensure all nominations address the selection criteria well. Contact Megan if you would like assistance with your nomination.

SPH Volleyball

Members of the SPH community are welcome to join a volleyball game on Saturday 27 July 11am-1pm at the St Lucia volleyball courts. Anyone who is keen to join can email Frankie Berardi ( for the invite.

Bridge to Brisbane

We are organising an SPH team to participate in Bridge to Brisbane on Sunday 8 September. Participants can run, jog, or walk, so everyone is welcome to join, and everyone gets a free t-shirt and medal. There is a 5k option and a 10k option. If you'd like to join the team, you can click here and select 'Join a Team'. Then find 'UQ School of Public Health 2024'. 

Kind regards, HDR team

Frankie Berardi (Co-Chair), Germaine Lai (Secretariat), Lisa McHugh (Deputy DHDR) and Megan Ferguson (DHDR)

School Review Recommendations Updates

The first round of small group sessions with Sue Sampson from TransformD Consulting have now been completed. Sue is currently reviewing the feedback from those sessions, and will be developing the next step in the process, which as you may recall at the School Forum was indicated to be Culture Building Workshops. Next steps will be coming soon.

Australasian Epidemiological Association (AEA) Seminar and Networking Event
The Data Revolution – Use of AI and digital methods in epidemiology and health.

Date: Thursday 8 August

Time: 2pm - 4pm
Venue: UQ Herston or online

Register here.

Casual Research Admin positions available

The UQ research office is now inviting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from UQ HDR students or staff who are interested in undertaking casual work with the Research Office during peak operational periods and major competitive funding rounds during the second half of 2024. Casual staff must be able to commit a minimum of 0.8-1.0FTE (4 or 5 days per week) over a period of 4 consecutive weeks. Interested applicants should ensure that their Supervisor has confirmed that they are supportive of this arrangement before submitting an EOI. 

Interested students or staff can submit their Expression of Interest using the form available here.

Please contact Davina Bonner (Senior Manager, Pre-Award) with any questions.

SPH Website Update

Work is commencing on updating and improving our SPH website, with the help of Stacey Pizzino and the engagement team. If you’re aware of any errors on our website that need correcting, please can you share the details via this webform: This will remain active for the foreseeable future and we’re keen to hear from you. If you’d like to be a part of the website upgrade team, please get in touch with Stacey.


The Southern Cross Australasian Travel and Tropical Medicine Conference is being held in Brisbane this year, September 27-29. Conference information can be found here.

All the info  

SPH LinkedIn Page

Continue to help build our SPH LinkedIn community by following and inviting others to follow our School of Public Health LinkedIn page. Please send Ailsa Bolton any content you would like uploaded to LinkedIn. She will need:

  • An introductory paragraph to be posted that summarises the content
  • Any link or document to go with the post
  • Any person or organisation who needs to be tagged in the post (eg: coauthors, people in photos, partner organisations).

Alternatively, you can post on your own personal LinkedIn page and tag the School of Public Health by simply typing @UQ School of Public Health and clicking the SPH page that appears as a tag option. 

SPH Research Dissemination Toolkit

Keen to disseminate your research publicly? The SPH Research Dissemination Toolkit can help you do this. 

View archived SPH announcements

    From the Director’s desk
    Congratulations to Dr Eva Baxter who has been appointed a Research Integrity Advisor (RIA) for UQ. RIAs are the first point of contact for anyone with concerns related to the responsible conduct of research. Eva’s appointment will be for 3 years. 

    We are excited to announce that the Stretch RAP has received conditional approval from Reconciliation Australia and will be launched in November alongside the ATSI employment strategy. UQCCR will develop a strong plan to align with this initiative, with a lead for UQCCR to be announced in the coming weeks.

    We are thrilled to share that $60 billion in MRFF grants were awarded to UQ, including some UQCCR recipients, marking an increase from previous years.

    The Queensland Emory Vaccine Centre is being established on the 11th Floor of the Liveris Building, valued at $32 million, which may offer collaboration opportunities for UQCCR groups.

    In July 2024, UQ celebrated the graduation of 3,700 students over 16 ceremonies. Congratulations to all including newly minted doctors from UQCCR: Dr. Yunan Ye, Dr. Vaibhavi Joshi, Dr. Sara Jose, and Dr. Puteri Juanita Zamri.

    UQ's 2023 HERDC income has reached an all-time high of $527 million. Reflecting our commitment to supporting our research community, the PhD stipend has been increased to $35,000.

    We also want to congratulate Beatris on her outstanding performance at the 3MT Faculty Finals yesterday—great job and tough competition!

    Chris will also be on leave from 22 July to end of August. Sara Gollschewski will act as Centre Manager during this time.

    Want to be included in the newsletter?
    Email your updates, event, awards to for inclusion.

    Are you a wellbeing?
    Check out UQCCR’s Wellbeing committee Initiatives and other Centre news on the Staff hub.

    Upcoming Seminar Series: Theory Behind Conventional and Full Spectrum Flow Cytometry
    Wednesday 7 August, 12pm

    Speaker: Ryan Hyland, PhD
    Join us for an enlightening seminar by Ryan Hyland, PhD, the technical sales specialist for Cytek Biosciences in Australia and New Zealand since 2021. Ryan dedicates his expertise to flow cytometry, educating and assisting the next generation of flow cytometrists eager to innovate in this field. Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of both conventional and full spectrum flow cytometry. We look forward to seeing you there! Check out other seminars across the School/Institutes/Centers.

    HDR Candidate Milestones
    We would like to invite you to support our student community as they progress through their candidature milestones.  Upcoming seminar:

    Factors driving early plasma loss in preterm piglets. Progress Review 3.

    Details: Thursday August 15 - 3pm, UQCCR Room 402

    Tam Nguyen

    Publication of the Month June Winners
    Hafiz Abdul-Aziz – General Category
    Title: Prolonged vs Intermittent Infusions of β-Lactam Antibiotics in Adults with Sepsis or Septic Shock: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Journal: JAMA

    Sophie Wen – ECR Category
    Title: Characterization of gram-negative bloodstream infections in hospitalised Australian children and their clinical outcomes

    Journal: Clinical Infectious Diseases

    Applications close 7th of each month.

    Introduction to Consumer and Community Involvement in Health Research Webinar
    A free seminar facilitated by Health Translation Queensland.  This session will be hosted by Amanda Newbery, the CEO of award-winning engagement and communication firm Articulous and a registered IAP2 trainer.  Amanda will share her expertise on the essential elements of community involvement and how to integrate key principles into health research and translation. What you will learn during the session: 

    • Choosing the appropriate level of consumer involvement for your project
    • Different engagement approaches for different stages of your project
    • Tools and techniques for engaging with consumers

    Event details:  Monday 12 August, 12pm-2pm AEST.  Format: Online webinar. A link to Zoom will be emailed following registration.

    Join Us for the HDR Information Evening and Lab Tour!
    Date: Thursday 8 August
    : 3:30- 5:30pm
    Keep this date free and please circulate to any potential HDR students.

    Faculty’s Research and Statistical Support Services (RASSS)
    Need help with study design, data analysis, manuscript, grant application or PhD supervision? To discuss bespoke statistical support at UQCCR, please complete a
     request form. See more information under the Research Support banner.

    UQ clinical trials procedure
    If you are establishing a clinical trial, please check the 
    UQ Ethics page to ensure that you are familiar with UQ requirements, such as submitting additional notifications, obtaining any additional insurance for international sites, completing the UQ template Risk Assessment and Management Plan (RAMP) and ensuring your GCP training is current. Sabine is happy to assist with any enquires. Alternatively, please visit the Research Support team in Room 735 for any questions.
    Many research contracts submitted for signature are not using the UQ costing and pricing tool and do not factor in overheads or provide a relevant independent exemption reference, such as the funding body’s rules on their website. Failure to confirm these aspects early can mean delays in getting your contract signed or GRL issued. If you have any questions about the CPT or overheads, please contact 
    FACs and research contracts require confirmation that your online COI disclosures, if applicable, have been approved by UQ, before a GRL can be issued or a research contract signed. Online approval happens via Workday in consultation with your line manager. As the COI process can take a few weeks, please ensure that you attend to your annual COI and updates, and factor in the timing required to avoid delays.
    Research infrastructure

    If there is a piece of equipment or infrastructure that may benefit several research groups within UQCCR please let us know by filling in this form (​docx icon UQCCR Equipment & Infrastructure Request Form March2024.docx) and submitting it to the CCR Facilities Desk ( Information provided will be discussed within the Infrastructure Committee and can be used for developing external grant and/or philanthropic opportunities, or be used for developing access through the Faculty capital replacement scheme or via access at alternative locations. Please also discuss any infrastructure/equipment issues with the Facilities Team.

    Research funding support
    Visit the Faculty website for 
    current research funding opportunities. Please contact Roheen Gill well ahead of any deadline if you are planning to apply for upcoming opportunities and Sara Gollschewski to discuss strategic funding alignment. You can find a summary of funding support and assistance available to researchers for administration, reporting and closing out of existing funding in this document under 'Research Resources'.

    View archived announcements from UQCCR