Exhibitions and events

Current exhibitions

Major exhibition: “50 Treasures: highlights of the collection”

To celebrate the launch of the Museum publication “50 Treasures: a collection of objects from the Marks-Hirschfeld Museum of Medical History”, the Museum is exhibiting many of the wonderful objects featured in the book, including Queensland’s first X-ray machine, a turn of the century embalming pump and a 130cm long rigid gastroscope.

Buy the book

Buy your copy of the book then come to visit your favourite objects!

Level 4, Mayne Medical School Building, Herston. Exhibition runs until December 2024.

Level 3, Mayne Medical School Building, Herston

  • A history of microscopes
  • Things to poke in your eye: tiny gems from our ophthalmological collection
  • Dr Stuart Patterson’s infant respirator
  • Explosive ether: a look at anaesthetics most popular agent
  • The music of lithotomy
  • COMING SOON – Ventilators and ethics

Level 2, Mayne Medical School Building, Herston

  • Tonsillectomy tools
  • The troubling history of electroconvulsive therapy
  • Pharmaceuticals on show
  • Meet Ernest Sanford Jackson
  • Braces, splints and plaster: precursors to orthopaedics

The Marks-Hirschfeld Museum of Medical History also has several displays at the Integrated Pathology Learning Centre (IPLC).