Principal Advisor: Associate Professor Kym Rae


Phone: 0431 379 872

Organisational unit: Mater Research Institute-UQ

Researchers from Mater Research Institute- University of Queensland have collected significant data from families who have participated in the QLD Family Cohort study and the Indigenous QLD Family cohort study around breastfeeding. Opportunities exist for a PhD student to understand the relationship between intention to breastfeed and successful breastfeeding at 6 weeks across the range of cultural groups represented within the data set. Questions that may be considered include:

  • Is successful breastfeeding associated with maternal body composition?
  • Does maternal mental health impact on successful breastfeeding?
  • Is this the same with both our QLD Family Cohort and Indigenous mothers? Or other cohorts around Australia?
  • Do infants born low birth weight or high birth weight have additional challenges feeding? And does this impact their early infant growth?

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are encouraged to apply.