Ronald Amedee
Professor Ronald Amedee
Ochsner Clinical School
Ms Keira Anderson
School Manager
The University of Queensland Medical School
Lauren Angel
Dr Lauren Angel
Research Development Officer
Research Strategy and Support (Medicine)
+61 7 344 36352
Associate Professor Geoff Argus
Director, SQ Rural Health
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Melanie Arumugam
Melanie Arumugam
Executive Assistant to the Associate Dean (Strategic Development)
+61 7 3346 5115
Melanie Arumugam
Melanie Arumugam
Executive Assistant to the Associate Dean (Indigenous Engagement)
+61 7 3346 5115
Chantal Bailey
Mrs Chantal Bailey
Senior Data Analyst
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 336 55348
Ms Catherine Baldry
Principal Executive Administration Coordinator
Medical School
+61 7 3443 3795
Ms Julie Ball
Coordinator, Accred & Quality
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 334 65367
+61 7 336 55425
Christina Balmori
Christina Balmori
Infrastructure Planning Manager
Infrastructure and Research Operations (Medicine)
+61 7 344 38044
0409 266 316
Mrs Stacey Bigg
Work Integrated Learning Officer
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
+61 7 336 55388
Tracey Bjorkman
Dr Tracey Bjorkman
Centre Manager
Centre for Health Services Research
Mrs Jeb Brady
Occupational Health &Safety Officer
Infrastructure and Research Operations (Medicine)
+61 7 334 64945
Ms Veronica Brancatini
Research Partnerships Manager
Faculty of Medicine
Jodie Brennan
Team Leader, HDR Liaison Team
+61 7 3443 1167
Deb Breville
Management Accountant
+61 7 3365 5454
Ms Halijah Brewster
Senior Research Project Officer
Faculty of Medicine
Mrs Melinda Browning
Senior Manager, Work, Health and Safety
Ms Anne Louise Bulloch
Manager, Rsrch & Rsrch Training
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 334 65441
Dr Andrew Burgess
Research Development Manager
Frazer Institute
Clare Butters
Ms Clare Butters
Senior Manager
Rural Clinical School
+61 7 463 39764
Jo Cabot
Ms Jo Cabot
Team Leader, Student Centre
Rural Clinical School
+61 7 419 44805
Zoe Cahill
Dr Zoe Cahill
Faculty Executive Manager
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 3346 5300
Angela Cameron-Tomkinson
Mrs Angela Cameron-Tomkinson
Team Leader, Rockhampton
Rural Clinical School
+61 7 493 12937
Professor Stuart Carney
Professor Stuart Carney
The University of Queensland Medical School
+61 7 334 64636
Mr Ken Carter
Senior Research Project Officer
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 336 55432
Philip Carter
Finance Manager
+61 7 3365 5033
Simon Cashion
Dr Simon Cashion
Research Partnerships Manager
+61 7 344 36967
Monique Chang
Miss Monique Chang
Senior Digital Marketing Officer
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 336 55131
Ms Senaai Chapple
Student and Academic Administration officer
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
Dr Annie Chen
Centre Manager
Child Health Research Centre
+61 7 3069 7592
Jo Cherriman
Ms Jo Cherriman
Senior Advancement Manager (Medicine)
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 3365 5077
Miss Caroline Clark
Student and Academic Administration Officer
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
Professor Paul Clarke
Director, Frazer Institute
Frazer Institute
Centre Director and Professorial Research Fellow
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 344 36917
Lucinda Coalter
Lucinda Coalter
Facilities Officer
Infrastructure and Research Operations (Medicine)
+61 7 3443 6924
0419 244 790
Stacey Cole
Dr Stacey Cole
Research Operations Manager
Frazer Institute
+61 7 344 36980
Ms Cheryl Connor
Senior Manager – Business Improvement & Analytics
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 334 64685
Professor Elizabeth Coulson
Head of School
School of Biomedical Sciences
Professor and Professorial Research Fellow
Queensland Brain Institute
Head of School
Faculty of Medicine
Affiliate of Clem Jones Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research
Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research
+61 7 336 52905
+61 7 336 59022
Ms Kelly Cox
Coordinator, Admissions
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
+61 7 336 55399
Professor Darrell Crawford
Professor Darrell Crawford
Associate Dean (Strategic Development)
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 3346 5115
Natasha Crocker
Human Resources Advisor
Ms Chandrika Das
Student Administration Officer
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
Ms Kendra Dewar
Student and Academic Administration Officer
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
+61 7 336 53154
Mrs Lisa Dingwall
Executive Assistant
UQ Centre for Clinical Research
Nyree Divitini
Nyree Divitini
Research Partnerships Manager
Research Strategy and Support (Medicine)
+61 334 64626
Mrs Kirsten Dodd
Mrs Kirsten Dodd
Marketing and Communications Manager
+61 7 336 55102
Casey Dodds
Dr Casey Dodds
Research Development Manager
Centre for Health Services Research
Belinda Donovan
Belinda Donovan
Senior Management Accountant (SMA)
+61 7 3346 4665
Kathleen Dukic
Kathleen Dukic
Senior Management Accountant (SMA)
+61 7 3356 4867
Ms Nicole Endacott
Project Manager Indigenous Engagement
Faculty of Medicine
Daniel Ezzy
Operations and Facilities Officer
School of Biomedical Sciences
+61 7 3365 2723
Miss Jules Filipic
Ochsner Partnership Support Officer
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
+61 7 344 36223
Medicine Finance Transaction team
Wes Fisk
Wesley Fisk
Manager, Gross Anatomy Facility
School of Biomedical Sciences
+61 7 3365 3854
Mrs Ashlee Flohr
Senior Placement Officer & Coordinator, International & Ochsner Partnerships
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
Elyanna Fong
Executive Assistant to Professor Craig Munns, Director
3069 7362
Tim Forrest
Dr Tim Forrest
School Manager
School of Biomedical Sciences
+61 7 3365 1503
0434 363 245
Mr Simon Forsyth
Principal REDCap Systems Administrator
Infrastructure and Research Operations (Medicine)
Steve Francis
Mr Steve Francis
Advancement Manager (Student Experience)
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 3346 5062
Professor Maher Gandhi
Director, MRI-UQ
Mater Research Institute-UQ
Director, MRI & CEO Mater(Conjoint)
Faculty of Medicine
Rebecca Gao
Management Accountant
Ms Desirée George
Scholarship and Awards Coordinator
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 3346 5375
Ligi George
Higher Degrees by Research Liaison Officer (HLO)
+61 7 3443 1187
Mr Dion Gers
Student and Academic Administration Assistant
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
Roheen Gill
Mrs Roheen Gill
Research Development Officer
Research Strategy and Support (Medicine)
+61 7 334 66071
Dr Robert Gilmore
Adjunct Fellow
Mater Research Institute-UQ
Mrs Celia Giumelli
Principal Governance Officer & Project Manager
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 334 64660
+61 7 334 65311
Ms Louise Godfrey
Senior Project Officer
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 334 65020
Mrs Natasha Guttenbeil
Manager, HR Client Partnering
Professor Nikolas Haass
Director (Research Training)
Faculty of Medicine
Frazer Institute
+61 7 344 37087
Dr Greg Hafner
Dr Greg Hafner
Senior Manager – Infrastructure and Research Operations
+61 7 3443 7011
0408 744 457
Mrs Marrianne Hamlet
Executive Assistant to the Head of School
School of Biomedical Sciences
+61 7 3365 2905
Mika Hayward
Mr Mika Hayward
Director of Health Partnerships and Major Projects
Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
+61 7 3346 3031
Donna Heinke
Donna Heinke
Management Accountant
+61 7 3346 5312
Kylie Hengst
Kylie Hengst
Research Development Officer
Frazer Institute
+61 7 344 37024
Inga Holbaev
Finance Officer
+61 7 3346 6004
Deanna Holberton
Executive Assistant
Rural Clinical School
+61 7 4633 9712
Monika Janda
Professor Monika Janda
Centre Director and Professor in Behavioural Science
Centre for Health Services Research
+61 7 3176 4569
Mrs Rachel Jesse
Senior Research Administration Officer
Research Strategy and Support (Medicine)
Ms Anita Kelly
Manager, Student and Academic Administration
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
+61 7 336 51835
Libby Kelly
Executive Assistant
School of Public Health
+61 7 3365 5280
Shawn Kelly
Mr Shawn Kelly
Alumni Engagement Coordinator
Faculty of Medicine
Melissa Kerr
Mrs Melissa Kerr
Manager, Advancement and Development
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 3346 5088
Scott Kershaw
Scott Kershaw
Manager, Teaching Laboratory Services
School of Biomedical Sciences
+61 7 3365 2416
Dr Nafiseh Khalaj
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Faculty of Medicine
Mr Nibir Khan
Senior Officer, Communications and Media
Faculty of Medicine
Deon Knight
Mr Deon Knight
Safety Manager
Infrastructure and Research Operations (Medicine)
0419 524 362
+61 7 334 64725
Shani Lamb
Shani Lamb
Facilities Officer
Infrastructure and Research Operations (Medicine)
+61 7 344 36907
0434 674 837
Associate Professor Sheleigh Lawler
Acting Head of School
School of Public Health
Dr Jia Yu Lee
Research Development Officer
Research Strategy and Support (Medicine)
+61 7 336 55011
Miss Vivi Liu
Student and Academic Administration Assistant
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
Paul Lovelock
Dr Paul Lovelock
Manager, Occupational Health & Safety
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 334 64762
Rebecca Lush
Ms Rebecca Lush
Museum Curator
Integrated Pathology Learning Centre
+61 7 334 65130
Miss Brittany Madden
Research Development Officer
Research Strategy and Support (Medicine)
Ash Mall
Senior Marketing & Communication Officer
+61 7 334 66707
Brian Mallon
Mr Brian Mallon
Senior Principal, Marketing and International Recruitment
Faculty of Medicine
+61 336 55254
April Mansell
April Mansell
Executive Assistant to the Associate Dean (Academic)
+61 7 3346 5305
April Mansell
April Mansell
Executive Assistant to the Associate Dean (Research)
+61 7 3346 5305
Kerry Marles
Ms Kerry Marles
Team Leader, Bundaberg
Rural Clinical School
+61 7 4130 1906
Mrs Renay Marshall
Team Leader, Toowoomba
Rural Clinical School
+61 7 463 39704
Ms Jo Maxwell
Principal Project Officer
Research Strategy and Support (Medicine)
Professor Geoff McColl
Professor Geoff McColl
Executive Dean
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 334 65300
Dr Tanya McDonald
Principal Advisor, Scientific Work, Health and Safety
Infrastructure and Research Operations (Medicine)
+61 7 336 53659
Ms Georgia McFadden
Student and Academic Administration
Faculty of Medicine
Danielle McGoldrick
Danielle McGoldrick
Coordinator, Body Donor Program
School of Biomedical Sciences
+61 7 336 52702
Amanda McGrath
Senior Finance Officer (SFO)
Rural Clinical School
+61 7 4194 4802
Dr Emma McLennan
Research Development Manager
Research Strategy and Support (Medicine)
Mila Miladinovic
Principal Marketing and Communication Manager
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 336 55120
Karen Moritz
Professor Karen Moritz
Associate Dean (Research)
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 3346 5305
Dr Erica Mu
Senior Scientific Officer (Histology)
School of Biomedical Sciences
Lindsay Muller
Higher Degrees by Research Liaison Officer (HLO)
+61 7 3443 1187
Professor Craig Munns
Director, Child Health Research Centre and Head of Mayne Academy of Paediatrics
Faculty of Medicine
Centre Director of Child Health Research Centre
Child Health Research Centre
+61 7 30697362
Peter Murphy
Senior Manager, Marketing & Communications
Faculty of Medicine
Dr Trish Murray
Senior Manager, Research Partnerships and Development
Faculty of Medicine
Ms Mel Muscat
Head, Indigenous Health Education
Faculty of Medicine
Ms Maree Nelson
Senior Administration Officer
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
+61 7 336 55351
Julie Nicoli
Coordinator, Student Enrichment
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 3346 5313
Mrs Louise Nimwegen
Work Integrated Learning Officer
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
+61 7 336 55420
Dr Michael Nissen
Adjunct Associate Professor
Faculty of Medicine
Robyn Oram
Mrs Robyn Oram
School Safety Manager
School of Biomedical Sciences
0422 008 967
+61 3365 3221
Jennifer Outhwaite
Dr Jennifer Outhwaite
Manager, Integrative Physiology Facility
School of Biomedical Sciences
Umit Ozer
Umit Ozer
Senior Management Accountant (SMA)
+61 7 3443 7023
Dr Sunday Pam
Academic Lead & Head, Rockhampton Regional Clinical Unit
Rural Clinical School
+61 7 493 12935
Thelma Parker
Ms Thelma Parker
Associate Dean (Indigenous Engagement)
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 3346 5115
Associate Professor Riitta Partanen
Rural Clinical School
Miss Alexandra Peake
Senior Student and Academic Administration Officer
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
+61 7 334 69522
Miss Cara Pearson
Executive Assistant to the Dean, Medical School
The University of Queensland Medical School
Ms Jacqui Pedler
Executive Assistant to the Executive Dean, Professor Geoff McColl
+61 7 3346 5300
Ms Jacqui Pedler
Executive Assistant to the Faculty Executive Manager
+61 7 3346 5300
Mrs Tracey Perrier
Administration Officer
Greater Brisbane Clinical School
Scott Peters
Director of Medical Education
Ochsner Clinical School
Ms Sarah Piper
School Manager
School of Public Health
Rhonda Ploeger
Executive Assistant to Professor Paul Clarke, Director
Frazer Institute
+61 7 3443 6917
Rudi Prasad
Dr Rudi Prasad
Head, Hervey Bay Regional Clinical Unit
Rural Clinical School
+61 7 419 44809
Alison Dahler
Alison Pratt
Infrastructure Manager
+61 7 3443 7028
0412 057 512
Dr Maxine Preston
Dr Maxine Preston
Operations Manager
UQ Centre for Clinical Research
+61 7 3346 5558
Professor John Prins
Director, Health Translation Queensland
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 344 31030
Brooke Purdue
Dr Brooke Purdue
Institute Manager
Frazer Institute
+61 7 344 36934
Esmeli Quevedo Baquero
Management Accountant
+61 7 3443 7013
Michael Reade
Professor Michael Reade
Greater Brisbane Clinical School
Professor Marina Reeves
Deputy Associate Dean Research (Researcher Development)
Faculty of Medicine
School of Public Health
+61 7 334 65305
Dr James Reid
Senior Manager, Research Partnerships and Development
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 334 60676
Lucy Reid
Mrs Lucy Reid
Senior Advancement Coordinator
Faculty of Medicine
Bruno Rey
Bruno Rey
Operations and Facilities Officer
School of Biomedical Sciences
+61 7 3365 2724
Michael Richards
Mr Michael Richards
Data & Systems Support Officer
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 334 65207
Jason Roberts
Professor Jason Roberts
UQ Centre for Clinical Research
Mrs Laurelle Roberts
Coordinator, Student and Academic Administration
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
+61 7 336 55170
Mrs Belinda Ryan
Senior Manager, Student and Academic Administration
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 336 55389
Therese Ryan
Dr Therese Ryan
Discipline Lead - General Practice & Head, Bundaberg Regional Clinical Unit
Rural Clinical School
+61 7 4130 1904
Sabine Sand
Sabine Sand
Research Partnerships Manager
+61 7 3346 5371
Ms Ola Saulicz
Senior Research Administration Officer
Research Strategy and Support (Medicine)
Mrs Andrea Schaumburg
Student and Academic Administration Officer
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
+61 7 336 54904
Mary Schneider
Mary Schneider
Faculty Operations Manager
+61 7 334 65303
Mr Joshua Sear
Research Partnerships Manager
Faculty of Medicine
Chris Shannon
Centre Manager
UQ Centre for Clinical Research
Professor Nick Shaw
Associate Dean (Academic)
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 334 65305
Dr Annette Shewan
Manager, Research Strategy
Trish Speechly
Trish Speechly
Executive Assistant
Centre for Health Services Research
+61 7 3176 5530
Helen Spindler
Mrs Helen Spindler
Manager, Faculty Health Partnerships
Faculty of Medicine
+61 334 65326
+61 7 344 36419
Ms Ann Srisakhon
Student and Academic Administration Officer
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
+61 7 336 55352
Jennifer Steele
Management Accountant
+61 7 3356 5087
Ms Charla Strelan
Curator - Marks-Hirschfeld Med Muse
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 336 55423
Dan Striegl
Management Accountant
+61 7 3346 4716
Student & Academic Administration team
+61 7 3346 4922
Cathy Swart
Mrs Cathy Swart
Research Development Officer
Research Strategy and Support (Medicine)
+61 7 3365 5528
+61 7 336 55528
Able Tan
Senior Finance Officer (SFO)
+61 3365 5134
Shafees Mohammed Thampi
Finance Officer
+61 7 3346 5208
Tracey Tomlin
Mrs Tracey Tomlin
Director of Advancement, Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 3365 5075
Miss Becky Tooley
Senior Admissions Officer
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
+61 7 336 55376
Mary-Anne Vaessen
Finance Officer
Ms Melissa Vickery
Manager, Student and Academic Administration
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
+61 7 336 55375
Ms Sandra Vidovic
Student and Academic Administration Officer
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
+61 7 336 55338
Erin Waldron
Manager, HR Client Partnering
Faculty of Medicine
Dr Shaun Walters
Dr Shaun Walters
Research Facilities Manager, Imaging and Analytical
School of Biomedical Sciences
+61 7 3365 3606
Kym Ward
eLearning Manager
eLearning Advancements
+61 7 334 64620
Dr Gina Watkins
Head of Bundaberg Regional Clinical Unit
Rural Clinical School
+61 7 4130 1904
Dr Doogie Whitcombe
Head, Toowoomba Regional Clinical Unit
Rural Clinical School
+61 7 463 39765
Dr Darryl Whitehead
Dr Darryl Whitehead
Research Facilities Manager, Histology
School of Biomedical Sciences
+61 7 3365 1929
Joanna Willimott
Joanna Willimott
Financial Services Coordinator (FSC)
+61 7 3346 5094
Kate Zischke
Principal Media & Communications Manager
Faculty of Medicine