Principal Advisor: Professor Jenny Doust


Phone: 0417 809 501

Research group: Australian Women and Girls’ Health Research (AWaGHR) Centre

Organisational unit: School of Public Health

Hysterectomies are about twice as common in Australia than in similar countries such as New Zealand. Most women with heavy menstrual bleeding could potentially be managed in other ways. It is unclear how often Australian women are using other treatments to manage heavy menstrual bleeding or why so much variation is occurring. We will try to understand this by asking women who have had heavy menstrual bleeding how they felt about the treatments they used and what factors influenced their decisions; and we will ask doctors about how they help women to make these decisions. Based on these studies, we will develop a resource to support Australian women with heavy menstrual bleeding to choose the most appropriate treatment for their own circumstances. This project will allow the successful applicant to develop skills in qualitative research skills, consumer engagement in research, and shared decision making in healthcare, as well as skills in presenting research and scientific writing.

Learn more about the Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Decision Aid (HeMBDA) Study and the PhD opportunity.