Research Seminars

Interested in attending a research seminar? Click on the relevant org unit link below to see what's on.

Centre for Health Services Research | School of Biomedical Sciences | School of Public Health | UQ Centre for Clinical Research | CRE RESPOND

Cell competition in leukaemia

19 May 2021 9:30am10:30am
Guest speaker Dr Chris Slape from UQDI

PA Southside Clinical Unit session - A/Prof Jason Lodge talks about contemporary theoretical understandings of student learning and their relevance to clinical teaching

18 May 2021 4:30pm5:30pm
A/Prof Jason Lodge (Education/ITaLI) speaks about the relevance of contemporary knowledge and theory in learning to clinical education.

Heritable memories

28 April 2021 3:00pm4:00pm
Guest speaker Professor Oded Rechavi from Tel Aviv University

Journey into breast cancer immunology using genomics

21 April 2021 9:30am10:30am
Guest speaker Professor Sherene Loi from the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Special Seminar: How investors approach therapeutic opportunities

19 April 2021 2:00pm3:00pm
Guest speaker Dr Steven Suchting, Investment Director, Life Science, IP Group

Comprehensive genomic surveillance of Covid-19 in the UK

31 March 2021 3:00pm4:00pm
Guest speaker Dr Jeff Barrett from the Sanger Institute, UK

Immunotherapy for HPV associated cancer – what have we learnt?

24 March 2021 9:30am10:30am
Guest speaker Professor Ian Frazer from UQDI

Special Seminar: How investors approach therapeutic opportunities

18 March 2021 11:00am12:30pm
Presented by Dr Steven Suchting, Investment Director, Life Science, IP Group (international venture capital firm)

Addressing the NHMRC Indigenous Research Excellence criteria

11 March 2021 10:00am11:00am
Join Associate Professor Maree Toombs for a Q & A session to address all your questions about the NHMRC Indigenous Research Excellence criteria.

Modulating tumour secretome to improve anti-tumour immunity and therapeutic responses

3 March 2021 9:30am10:30am
Guest speaker Assistant Professor Anna Vilgelm from Vanderbilt

Panel Three: Global Compassion

2 March 2021 6:00pm7:30pm
Panel: Peter Singer, Liz Grant, Paul Gilbert

Panel Two: The Compassionate Society

23 February 2021 6:00pm7:30pm
Panel: Jennifer Nadel, Greg Marston, Jolanda Jetten
