Research Seminars

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Centre for Health Services Research | School of Biomedical Sciences | School of Public Health | UQ Centre for Clinical Research | CRE RESPOND

RBWH/UQ Neurology research meetings

12 November 2020 8:00am9:00am
The Department of Neurology at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and researchers of the UQCCR Clinical Neuroscience research theme meet weekly to discuss active projects, facilitate interactions between basic scientists and clinicians and identify new opportunities for collaboration. The meeting rotates between three theme areas – stroke and epilepsy, MND, and cognitive neurology/ neurodegeneration – and the speakers are a mix of internal researchers, collaborators from other parts of UQ and external ‘keynote’ researchers. Neuroscience researchers from across UQ are invited to be a part of this group.

Novel approaches to discover new peptides for orphan G protein-coupled receptors - Dr Simon Foster, Cardiac Bioengineering Group at QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute.

9 November 2020 1:00pm2:00pm
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute the largest family of cell-surface receptors and are involved in nearly all aspects of biology, yet over 100 human GPCRs have not been definitively paired with endogenous ligands. These ‘orphan receptors’ represent a treasure-trove of unexplored biology and have strong potential to influence human physiology and disease processes.

As part of a large international collaboration, we sought to identify new peptide ligands from the human proteome that activate orphan GPCRs. Capitalising on the wealth of comparative genomics data and leveraging bioinformatic data on human GPCRs, we identified common features of peptide GPCRs and applied statistical and machine learning analyses to identify putative peptide ligands. We then used a multifaceted experimental approach to capture peptide-mediated orphan receptor signalling responses. After extensive validation, we discovered and characterised novel pairings of 17 peptides with five different orphan GPCRs, and identified potential new ligands for nine additional peptide GPCRs. We envisage that these findings will lay the platform for future studies on these peptides and receptors to fully illuminate their roles in human physiology and disease.

RBWH/UQ Neurology research meetings

5 November 2020 8:00am9:00am
The Department of Neurology at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and researchers of the UQCCR Clinical Neuroscience research theme meet weekly to discuss active projects, facilitate interactions between basic scientists and clinicians and identify new opportunities for collaboration. The meeting rotates between three theme areas – stroke and epilepsy, MND, and cognitive neurology/ neurodegeneration – and the speakers are a mix of internal researchers, collaborators from other parts of UQ and external ‘keynote’ researchers. Neuroscience researchers from across UQ are invited to be a part of this group.

Session 5: Q&A session with Professor Ian Frazer and Dr Jeannette Young PSM, and a celebration of the winning HDR, ECR, and MCR presentations

30 October 2020 11:00am12:00pm
Contribute to the conversation, and submit your questions by clicking on the event title.

Session 4: Mid-career researcher presentations

29 October 2020 11:30am12:30pm
3MT style presentations from our leading mid-career researchers from each of the organisational unit, followed by people’s choice award for best MCR presentation.

Session 3: Early career researcher presentations

28 October 2020 1:00pm2:00pm
3MT style presentations from our promising early-career researchers from each of the organisational units, followed by people’s choice award for best ECR presentation.

Dissecting the requirements for effective T cell activation

28 October 2020 9:30am10:30am
Guest speaker Professor Nicole La Gruta from Monash University

Session 2: HDR student presentations

27 October 2020 12:30pm1:30pm
3MT style presentations from our super Higher Degree Researcher (HDR) students from each of the Faculty’s organisational units, followed by People’s Choice award for best presentation.

Session 1: Welcome and overviews of the FoM organisational units

26 October 2020 12:00pm1:00pm
The Faculty of Medicine’s Executive Dean, Professor Geoff McColl will open the Expo week followed by our Centre/Institute Directors and Heads of Schools/Clinical Schools to provide an overview of the org unit.

RBWH/UQ Neurology research meetings

22 October 2020 8:00am9:00am
The Department of Neurology at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and researchers of the UQCCR Clinical Neuroscience research theme meet weekly to discuss active projects, facilitate interactions between basic scientists and clinicians and identify new opportunities for collaboration. The meeting rotates between three theme areas – stroke and epilepsy, MND, and cognitive neurology/ neurodegeneration – and the speakers are a mix of internal researchers, collaborators from other parts of UQ and external ‘keynote’ researchers. Neuroscience researchers from across UQ are invited to be a part of this group.

From mice to children: Translating novel therapies into the clinic for childhood brain tumours

21 October 2020 9:30am10:30am
Presented by Professor Nick Gottardo from Perth Children’s Hospital

TROHPIQ Virtual Event

15 October 2020 5:00pm6:30pm

RBWH/UQ Neurology research meetings

8 October 2020 8:00am9:00am
The Department of Neurology at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and researchers of the UQCCR Clinical Neuroscience research theme meet weekly to discuss active projects, facilitate interactions between basic scientists and clinicians and identify new opportunities for collaboration. The meeting rotates between three theme areas – stroke and epilepsy, MND, and cognitive neurology/ neurodegeneration – and the speakers are a mix of internal researchers, collaborators from other parts of UQ and external ‘keynote’ researchers. Neuroscience researchers from across UQ are invited to be a part of this group.
