Research Seminars

Interested in attending a research seminar? Click on the relevant org unit link below to see what's on.

Centre for Health Services Research | School of Biomedical Sciences | School of Public Health | UQ Centre for Clinical Research | CRE RESPOND

Toowoomba MD2025 Workshop

4 November 2019 12:00pm2:00pm
Zoom details: Or Telephone:    Dial: +61 2 8015 2088     Meeting ID: 451 089 195

Defining the tissue resident vascular stem cell niche

21 October 2019 12:00pm1:00pm
Presented by Dr Jatin Patel, Lab Head, Vascular Regeneration Group, The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute
Please note time change to 12-1pm and venue change to 50-T203

MBBS Class of 1989 30 Year Reunion

19 October 2019 6:45pm10:00pm

Development of novel cancer cell killing and anti-migratory agents based on omega-3-fatty acid epoxides

14 October 2019 12:00pm1:00pm
Presented by Professor Michael Murray, University of Sydney
Please note time change to 12-1pm and venue change to 03-309

SPH MD2025 Workshop

2 October 2019 12:00pm1:30pm

Do we really need that mandatory data field?

24 September 2019 12:30pm1:30pm
Presented by Dr Marianne Kirrane, Staff Specialist in Intensive Care and Medical Lead, Digital Metro North, MNHHS

HABS MD2025 Workshop

24 September 2019 9:30am11:00am

MBBS Class of 2009 10 Year Reunion

21 September 2019 7:00pm10:00pm

UQ 3MT Final

18 September 2019 6:00pm7:30pm

Navigating the sequence space of Bcl-2-binding peptides

16 September 2019 12:00pm1:00pm
Presented by Professor Amy E. Keating, Professor of Biology and Biological Engineering, MIT

Understanding students’ metacognition to support learning of biomedical science

9 September 2019 1:00pm2:00pm
Presented by Dr Kay Colthorpe, Senior Lecturer, School of Biomedical Sciences

MBBS Class of 1994 25 Year Reunion

31 August 2019 6:45pm10:00pm

Rockhampton MD2025 Workshop

28 August 2019 4:30pm6:00pm
Capacity: 70

UQ Wildcard Competition

28 August 2019 2:00pm3:00pm

Evaluating Digital Transformation: The Move to an Evidence-Based Approach

27 August 2019 12:30pm1:30pm
Presented by Professor Andrew Burton-Jones and Natalie Smith
