UQ Centre for Clinical Research antimicrobial specialist Dr Krispin Hajkowicz is part of a Queensland-first trial of the new flu drug, baloxavir marboxil.
To celebrate International Museum Day this Saturday, 18 May, Curator Rebecca Lush explores five intriguing specimens in one of the Faculty of Medicine's own museums, the Integrated Pathology Learning Centre (IPLC).
To find out all about asthma, we sat down with Professor Peter Sly, the Director of Children's Health and Environment Program at the Children's Health Research Centre.
In the lead-up to Food Allergy Awareness Week, Associate Professor Raymond Steptoe at the University of Queensland Diamantina Institute shares an update on his groundbreaking research into “turning off” the immune response that causes allergic reactions.
We caught up with Associate Professor Karen Barlow to learn about the signs and symptoms of concussion in children, possible treatments, and the road to recovery.